傳承 創新 突破界限
為慶祝衞理中學創校45周年,現特意舉辦標誌/標語創作比賽,誠邀各家長、校友及全校師生設計45 周年校慶標誌、創作中文/英文標語(可選擇參與個別比賽項目或參與全部項目)。
"Virtual Wing Chun Learning System" hosted by Hong Kong Shue Yan University
In order to let students learn martial arts through innovative technology and understand the technology and knowledge behind it, our school participated in the "Virtual Wing Chun Learning System" hosted by Hong Kong Shue Yan University
CLP’s “Engineer in School” scheme 2021/22
CLP provided a school talk to our S3 students concerning the topics of electricity generation, low-carbon lifestyles and the career path of an engineer
"STEM" workshop in cooperation with CLP Power
In order to enable students to understand the working principles of robots and broaden their understanding of artificial intelligence, the school has organized a "STEM" workshop in cooperation with CLP Power.
micro:bit Model Rocket Car Competition
In order to enable students to apply knowledge of different subjects to enhance their innovation and problem-solving skills, our school held the "micro:bit Model Rocket Car Competition" on July 14, 2022
Matterport 3D Virtual Tour
Students learnt how to capture 3D spatial data and present it as a 3D navigation effect
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